You have an awesome story to tell.
We just do the publishing.
Publishing new authors, new stories and new ideas.

Have you written the next best seller?
Don’t let it sit in a draw, collecting dust. The best thing about writing a book is receiving feedback, talking about the characters, discussing the story, and seeing the delight on other people’s faces as they discover the world you have created.
Here at Jacobson Studios, we specialise in coaching new authors. We help guide your writing process, develop your skills and ultimately help you reach that “Best Seller” dream.
We are now taking submissions again so why not send us a copy of your work, whether it is a novel, picture book, or even cookbook we believe that everyone has a story within them, so tell us yours and let us do the rest.
We are a small team, so when we find a story we like we put all our effort into making it a success, and hopefully that could be you!

I always liked to tell stories. Now, as a published author my books are being enjoyed worldwide and the feedback I get guides the next best seller!

Leigh Snelson